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Text File | 1994-12-12 | 11.9 KB | 362 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- Wolfenstein 3D First Encounter Level Format
- ===========================================
- Greg Ewing
- greg@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz
- Here is a summary of what I have learned about the format of the level
- resources used by Wolfenstein 3D First Encounter.
- 1. Map List resource
- --------------------
- The Map List is in BRGR resource 146. It begins with a 2-word header:
- Offset Size Description
- 0 word Number of levels
- 2 word Resource ID of the first level
- Following this is a 5-word entry for each level:
- 0 word Next level (offset from first level ID)
- 2 word Alternate next level
- 4 word Par time (seconds)
- 6 word Major floor number
- 8 word Minor floor number
- 2. Level resource
- -----------------
- The levels themselves are also kept in BRGR resources. The ID of the first
- level resource is determined by the map list as described above. The
- original levels use IDs 200 and upwards.
- The level resource consists of a fixed-length part followed by a
- variable-length part. The fixed-length part can be further subdivided into
- a map and a sound area table, and the variable-length part into a header,
- an object table and a BSP tree.
- 2.1 Map
- -------
- The map section is 4096 bytes long, organised as a 64 by 64 grid. Each
- byte in the map represents either a solid block, a door or an empty space.
- If bit 7 of the byte is 1, then it represents a solid block or door, and
- the rest of the bits determine what kind of wall or door it is.
- If bit 7 is 0, the byte contains a room number. A room is a contiguous
- space which is completely divided off from other rooms by walls or doors.
- There may be up to 64 rooms, numbered 0 to 63. Each byte in the map
- representing an empty space contains the room number to which the space
- belongs.
- 2.2 Sound Area table
- --------------------
- This is a 64-byte table containing a sound area number for each room. When
- you fire your gun, guards in rooms belonging to the same sound area can
- hear you. If they're not "shoot only on sight" guards, they will seek you
- out.
- WolfEdit 1.1 does not provide any way of setting sound areas; each room is
- placed in a separate sound area. (Note, however, that an area separated
- from a room by a secret door is considered part of the same room.)
- 2.3 Header of variable-length part
- ----------------------------------
- The variable-length part begins with a 4-word header. Entries marked with
- * are stored in little-endian byte order (least significant byte first).
- 0 word Number of objects
- 2 word Offset from start of resource to object table
- 4 word Number of entries in BSP tree
- 6 word Offset from start of resource to BSP tree
- 2.4 Object table
- ----------------
- The object table contains an entry for each object appearing on the level.
- Each entry is either 3 or 4 bytes long, depending on the object type.
- 0 byte x-coordinate of map cell (0 to 63)
- 1 byte y-coordinate of map cell (0 to 63)
- 2 byte Object type
- If the object type is $62, then the object is a secret door. In the map, a
- secret door appears as an empty space, and there is an extra byte in the
- object table entry containing the wall type:
- 3 byte Wall type of secret door (object type $62 only)
- 2.5 BSP tree
- ------------
- 2.5.1 About the BSP tree
- A Binary Space Partitioning or BSP tree is used to divide the map space up
- into portions in such a way that the rendering engine can efficiently
- determine which parts are visible.
- The BSP tree consists of two types of nodes, terminal and non-terminal.
- Each node corresponds to some rectangular portion of the map. A
- non-terminal node is further subdivided into two child nodes. A terminal
- node is not subdivided any further and has no children; it is a "leaf" of
- the tree.
- A terminal node consists of a collection of segments. A segment represents
- part of a wall - a boundary between an empty and a filled-in region of the
- map.
- The coordinate system used to describe segments has twice the resolution of
- the map cell coordinate system used in the object table. Furthermore,
- instead of referring to cells, segment coordinates refer to the dividing
- lines between cells. So, whereas cell coordinates range from 0 to 63,
- segment coordinates range from 0 to 128. Even segment coordinates
- correspond to the lines running between map cells; odd segment coordinates
- refer to lines which pass through the middle of map cells. (The reason for
- this will become clear later.)
- Each segment is described by three coordinates. For segments running
- east-west these are its position in the y direction and the x-coordinates
- of its two endpoints. For segments running north-south, the roles of x and
- y are reversed.
- Each segment also faces in a particular direction. An east-west segment
- can face either north or south, and a north-south segment can face either
- east or west. The direction a segment faces determines from which side it
- will be visible; the rendering engine doesn't bother drawing segments which
- are facing away from you.
- A terminal node of the tree contains a collection of segments such that no
- segment can obscure part of any other segment from any viewing position.
- 2.5.2 Format of the BSP tree
- The BSP tree consists of a sequence of 6-byte entries, numbered from 0.
- The root node of the tree begins at entry 0.
- Each non-terminal node takes up one entry structured as follows:
- 0 byte Split coordinate
- For an east-west split, this is the y-coordinate
- of the splitting line; for north-south, the
- x-coordinate.
- 1 byte Flags Bit 7 of this byte is 0, indicating a non-terminal
- node. Bit 0 indicates the direction along which
- the space covered by this node is split to create
- the subspaces of its child nodes. 0 means the
- splitting line runs east-west, 1 north-south.
- 2 word* First child
- Entry number of the first child node. The subspace
- covered by this child is the one with coordinates
- *greater* than that of the splitting line.
- 4 word* Second child
- Entry number of the other child node.
- The coordinates of the region covered by each node are not explicitly
- stored in the node; rather, they are implicit in the coordinates of the
- splitting lines at each step, and the fact that the root node covers the
- whole of the map.
- Each terminal node takes up one entry for each segment as follows:
- 0 byte Segment position
- For an east-west (or north-south) segment, this is
- the positition of the segment in the y (or x)
- direction.
- 1 byte Flags Bit 7 of this byte is 1, indicating a terminal
- node. Bit 6 is set to 1 if this is the last segment
- belonging to this node; 0 if more are to follow.
- Bits 1 and 0 indicate the orientation of the
- segment:
- 00 North-south, facing east
- 01 East-west, facing south
- 10 North-south, facing west
- 11 East-west, facing north
- 2 byte Start coordinate
- 3 byte End coordinate
- For east-west (or north-south) segments, these
- are the x (or y) coordinates of the segment's
- endpoints.
- 4 byte Map row/column
- For east-west segments, this is the map cell
- coordinate (0 to 63) of the map row containing
- the wall block immediately behind the segment.
- For north-south segments, it is the column
- number plus 64.
- (For segments associated with doors, this byte
- has a different interpretation - see below.)
- 5 byte Room number
- This is the room number of the room into which
- the segment faces.
- 2.6 Doors
- ---------
- A door is represented by an entry in both the map and the object table, the
- object having the same code as the map entry with bit 7 set to 0. Bit 0 of
- the door code indicates the direction of the door: 0 for a doorway leading
- east-west, 1 for north-south.
- Associated with a door are four special segments, one each side of the door
- facing inwards, and one along each face of the door itself (the sliding
- part). The latter two are positioned in the middle of the map cell
- containing the door.
- The side segments have byte 4 of the segment entry set to $80. The sliding
- segments have this byte set to $80 plus the door number: each door on a
- level has a unique number from 1 upwards.
- 2.7 Lifts
- ---------
- The lift control panel and the side panels with hand railings are
- represented in the map by the same code ($8F). If you are looking at the
- east or west face of the block, it appears as a lift control panel; if you
- are looking at the north or south face, it appears as a hand railing.
- However, the lift control panel also has an object with a code of $64 at
- the same location. It is the presence of this object which causes the
- block to behave like a lift when you operate it. If this object is not
- present, the control panel is just another piece of wall. Conversely,
- placing a $64 object on top of some other type of wall will make it behave
- like a lift. This could allow for some very unfair levels...
- 2.8 Hidden passages
- -------------------
- The secret blocks which move back when you push on them involve special
- arrangements in the map, object table and BSP tree. In the map, the
- location of the secret block is an empty space, and the area to which it
- leads is part of the same room as the area it leads from.
- An object with code $62 is placed at this location: this is the object you
- operate when you push on the block. The object table entry for this object
- has an extra byte appended, containing the wall code which would otherwise
- have been placed in the map at that location.
- The secret block has two segments associated with it. One of them is
- positioned on the outside of the block in its initial position, facing
- towards the player as he stands in front of the block ready to push it.
- The other segment is positioned on the other side of the block, but facing
- in the same direction - in other words, it is in the place the first
- segment would end up after the block had been pushed one map cell. Byte 4
- of both these segments refer to the block's initial location.
- It is also necessary to place an ordinary block of the same type two cells
- away in the direction of motion, i.e. in the place where the secret block
- will end up after it has been pushed. If this is not done, not only will
- the block vanish after opening, but for some strange reason it may not
- display properly in its initial position.
- 2.9 Map codes
- -------------
- Here is a list of the codes which may be placed in the map for various
- types of walls and doors.
- 2.9.1 Wall codes
- $81 Grey stone
- $82 Grey stone with archway and eagle emblem
- $83 Grey stone with swastika wall hanging
- $84 Grey stone with Hitler portrait
- $85 Wood panelling
- $86 Wood panelling with eagle emblem
- $87 Wood panelling with Hitler portrait
- $88 Wood panelling with purple cross
- $89 Blue stone
- $8A Blue stone with cell door
- $8B Red brick
- $8C Red brick with eagle emblem
- $8F Lift side wall or control panel
- $91 Metal plate
- $9A Yellow stone with blood stain
- $9B Yellow stone blocks
- $9D Concrete(?) blocks
- 2.9.2 Door codes
- $DA Plain east-west
- $DB Plain north-south
- $DD Gold key north-south (Note: there is no gold key east-west door!)
- $DE Silver key east-west
- $DF Silver key north-south
- $E0 Lift door east-west
- $E1 Lift door north-south
- 2.10 Object codes
- -----------------
- Here is a list of codes which may be placed in the object table.
- 2.10.1 Player starting positions
- $13 Facing north
- $14 Facing east
- $15 Facing south
- $16 Facing west
- 2.10.2 Ornaments
- $17 Puddle
- $18 Oil drum
- $19 Table
- $1A Standard lamp
- $1B Chandelier
- $1E Tree
- $1F Flag pole
- $20 Pot plant
- $21 Urn
- $22 Bones
- $23 Ceiling light
- $24 Bowl
- $25 Suit of armour
- $26 Hanging cage
- $36 Water tub
- 2.10.3 Useful items
- $1C Dog food
- $27 Gold key
- $28 Silver key
- $29 Backpack
- $2A Ammunition box
- $2B Food
- $2C First aid kit
- $2D Ammunition clip
- $2E Machine gun
- $2F Gatling gun
- $34 Extra life
- 2.10.4 Treasures
- $30 Jewelled cross
- $31 Goblet
- $32 Treasure chest
- $33 Crown
- 2.10.5 Enemies
- $6C Brown uniform
- $6E Blue uniform
- $6F Dog
- $71 Boss
- $7E Brown uniform, waiting to ambush